This week the students are spending a lot of time practicing two digit by two digit multiplication using story problems. We have been practicing this type of multiplication using the Open Area Model. This model directly connects to a strategy called Partial Products which will be the place that we stop and where fifth grade picks up with the standard multiplication algorithm. The more time you can spend practicing basic multiplication facts the easier these more complicated problems will become. Below is a link to a video I made a few years ago showing the strategy that we are working on in class. I call it the Partial Products Strategy in the video, which it is, but I am using an open area model to demonstrate it. I have included the video below for you to gain a better idea of the way your child is being shown to break down numbers into their place values before multiplying.
Multiplication Strategy
In Social Studies this week we are learning more about Samuel de Champlain and the struggle over the NH grants. Afterward, we will pick up with learning all about Ethan Allen and the Green Mountain Boys.
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